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tv market data TV Market Data / Global Digital TV (2014)

April 2010 | External Link Strategy Analytics
Global Digital TV Subscription Forecast (2014)

According to Strategy Analytics, global digital television subscriptions will grow from 484 million in 2010 to 887 million by 2014, implying a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.34%. On a regional basis, Asia Pacific, Central and Latin America and Central/Eastern Europe are expected to grow fastest in the next five years.

Global Digital Television Forecast, 2014
(in million households)
Global Digital TV Forecast 2014
Source: External LinkStrategy Analytics

Cable continues to be the dominant television viewing platform, however over two-thirds of subscriptions worldwide still use analog. This is expected to change rapidly, with digital cable households outnumbering analog starting in 2012. As countries roll out their respective Digital Switchover (DSO) programs, the relative importance of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) as a primary viewing platform is expected to increase.

Although there has been much optimism about the future of IPTV, Strategy Analytics predicts that the technology may have encountered a speedbump and has scaled back its estimate, and now estimating 68 million households worldwide to use IPTV as a primary platform by 2014. Global Digital Pay TV revenues are forecasted by Strategy Analytics to grow from roughly $150 billion in 2010 to $215 billion by 2014. Pay per View (PPV) and Video on Demand (VOD) revenues are likewise forecast to see strong growth, reaching $21 billion in 2014.

For further details please visit External Link Strategy Analytics.

Or compare to External Link Global Audiovisual Market Forecast (2009-2013).

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